• Keep biting on gauze for one hour after leaving the office. If blood is coming from socket area repeat biting on gauze for one additional hour.
  • Take 2 Aleve every 6-8 hours as needed for pain unless other analgesics were prescribed.
  • If antibiotics were prescribed take as directed until finished.
  • Keep an ice pack on the area for 1-2 hours to prevent swelling. If swelling appears apply hot compresses to the area. Use a face cloth with hot water, never use an electric heating pad.
  • Only eat soft food for the next day and avoid eating in the extraction area. DO NOT SUCK THROUGH STRAWS FOR THE NEXT SEVERAL DAYS.
  • If you smoke this is an excellent time to stop. Smoking can contribute to a dry socket that will create pain and prolong healing in the area.
  • Alcohol should be avoided also for the next 48 hours, if you are on a prescribed narcotic for pain no alcohol should be consumed until you stop taking the medication.
  • Continue normal hygiene except do not brush around the extraction site for the next few days.
  • It is a good idea to sleep on a towel over your pillow. It is normal to wake up and find that you have bled during the night. If you experience profuse bleeding during the night apply pressure to a wet Lipton’s tea bag to the bleeding site.
  • Do not hesitate to call the office in case you have any questions or in case of an emergency. Our office has an answering machine that we monitor until 10PM so please call before then.

Post Surgical Information

  • Take pain pill and antibiotic (if prescribed) as soon as you return home. If no prescription pain medication was given take 2 Aleve 6-8 hours for the next 2 days and then as needed unless instructed otherwise and take antibiotics until the prescription is finished.
  • Keep the ice pack on the area of surgery for one hour to prevent swelling. If swelling appears apply hot compresses to the area until it goes down. Use a face cloth with hot water, never use an electric heating pad.
  • No alcohol for 48 hours after surgery
  • If you smoke, this is an excellent time to stop. If you insist on continuing try to refrain for as long as possible. Blowing smoke into and open wound is never a good idea!
  • Eat soft food during the day after surgery. Soup, spaghetti, eggs and particularly chocolate malts can put a smile on your face! AVOID HARD CRUNCHY FOOD IN THE SURGICAL SITE AND NO SUCKING THROUGH STRAWS FOR SEVERAL DAYS.
  • Continue normal hygiene except do not brush or floss surgical area until stitches are removed.
  • There is an over the-counter-product called PEROXYL which is mint flavored hydrogen peroxide. This can be diluted with an equal amount of water. Use the rinse often during the healing period to keep the area clean.
  • If PERIDEX has been prescribed use as follows: in the morning and prior to bed rinse with one capful for a full minute. The important thing to remember is that this is to be done after brushing and there is to be no eating or drinking for one hour following the rinse.
  • If packing gets loose, if any problems arise or if you have any questions DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL OUR OFFICE. If this is after hours leave a message and a telephone number prior to 10PM where you can be reached over the next several hours so we can return the call after retrieving the message.
  • If you experience profuse bleeding during the night apply pressure to a wet Lipton’s tea bag to the bleeding site.

Please call Dr. Lester the next day to inform him of your progress.